Aryan Naik
3 min readJan 4, 2023


What is Carbon Fooptrint and how does it affect us?

Carbon Accounting: Also greenhouse gas; accounting covers a wide range of practices to calculate how much carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses a company or country emits. It is typically divided into two categories-physical and financial carbon accounting.

Carbon accounting quantifies the climate impact of a business’s activities. Using carbon accounting, businesses can stay legally compliant, resistant to risk, and greenwashing-free. Carbon accounting unlocks competitive advantages like improved brand equity and reduced inefficiency.

It is important in today’s world to make sure that companies are held accountable for environmental concerns so using carbon accounting helps. Transparency is key so the public knows that these companies and businesses aren’t hiding important information from them.

Physical carbon accounting: According to, “Physical carbon accounting is the method of measuring both the direct and indirect carbon emissions of a company’s or country’s industrial activities into the Earth’s atmosphere, also referred to as a greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory.” Volume of emission generated through the value chain.

Carbon Dioxide problem: An excess of CO2 in the atmosphere reduces the planet’s ability to self regulate and lower surface temperature which is why it is key to hold businesses accountable to how they are affecting the Earth.

Carbon neutral: Carbon neutrality means having a balance between emitting carbon and absorbing carbon from the atmosphere in carbon sinks. Removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and then storing it is known as carbon sequestration. Many largeAmerican companies such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon have gone carbon neutral in the past 15 years.

Everyone from those in households or big businesses can help lower carbon emissions in the atmosphere in numerous ways.

Basic Ways to reduce emissions: Simple ways to lower emissions is to use less energy at home. For example, turn off the lights when needed instead of just leaving them on. Don’t needlessly put the water on if you’re not using it. Re-using plastic bags instead of throwing them away and adding to landfills. Infact, reducing use of plastic all together would be beneficial in lowering carbon output. Many cities throughout the world have already put forth initiatives to reduce use of plastic such as banning plastic straws from restaurants, cafes, and other public places. Another way you can help lower carbon footprint is by using more public transportation. Instead of driving everywhere, use buses if you’re in a big city where these facilities are available. Try to bike or walk to nearby destinations instead of using fuel. Personally, I always bike to places I can when the weather is suitable rather than going in a car. Scientists have stated that if a high percentage of the population did this just once a week, the effect would greatly stop the spread of heavy input of carbon emissions.

Switching to green energy: Many have made the switch to green energy in which the whole point is to reduce emissions. According to National Grind, “Green energy is any energy type that is generated from natural resources, such as sunlight, wind or water.” It often comes from renewable energy sources which are opposites of fossil fuels, like coal and gas, which are a finite energy source. For example, installing solar panels on houses and buildings helps take energy from the sun and use it inside the building. In many areas where sunlight is abundant such as my hometown of Phoenix, the use of solar panels is very common.



Aryan Naik

Hello! I am a writer who writes about a number of topics that interest me!